Friday, March 20, 2015

From The Fire Of My Soul: My Declaration Of Independence

Come Universe
Bring it
All of it
You want to keep bringing me
the lessons until I learn
Give me all you have got
I can take it
There is a strength within me
that can endure a 1000 rebirths
There is a fire within me that has been lit
A fire that burns hot and fierce
Searing my flesh until all that
no longer serves me turns to ash
I will fight for myself with the fiercest power of Boudicca
within me
I will meditate on love with the grace and peace of a Buddhist
The warrior within
The Goddess within
She burns
She is awakened
And we are dancing
Dancing on the faces of all those
who rendered me powerless
We dance me back into my hips
my thighs
my legs
my eyes
Reclaiming sovereignty
Returning all that is rightfully mine
Then we fly to the heavens
Exploding into a trillion luminescent stars
Showering down upon the Earth
And the power of a woman
I am a wild woman of the universe
I am a Goddess of the universe
I belong to NO ONE