The above truth has been an priceless tool for me over the past 5 months. I was introduced to that teaching in my first Oneness Deepening Weekend in Nashville, TN.
Most of the time what triggers me is not really the truth. It is the part of me that I call "the wounded inner child" that reacts and perceives what she believes to be reality.
It makes sense to me because I understand the concept of the "inner child." I understand that my perceptions used to be and sometimes still are based on what I took in as child from the womb up until 6-7 yrs of age. The inner child is my emotional body. It is the perceptions and patterns I took in before the neocortex part of the brain developed allowing me to have rational thought and the ability to see different sides of a situation.
I have to be proactive in how I react when I feel I am getting triggered by someone or a situation. I used to allow the hurt, angry, insecure, frightened little girl take over and I would end up acting out. It used to be with drugs, alcohol, and shopping. Now that I don't have those options I can find myself being spiteful in other ways, being angry, going into shame spirals, sabotaging my own success, and blaming others for why I feel the way I do.
The fact is the pain I feel is not caused by anything outside of me. It is all inside. All based on what I am perceiving to be true based on conditioning in my childhood.
If I feel triggered, a shame spike, or a need to act out I remember the above line, "All pain is not in the fact, but in the perception of the fact." I will then go to a safe space before I make a fool of myself and I will draw two columns on a piece of paper. On one side I will write "Fact" and on the other side I will write "Perception".
It is amazing the clarity and balance this simple teaching can bring. The first time I really used it was while I was still in the treatment center for trauma.
My head was spinning. I couldn't think straight. I wanted to mindlessly stuff potato chips down my throat. I was pissed. I soon remembered the teaching and I sat down to make my columns.
It only took a couple of minutes for the facts to bring me back into balance. The facts were I was in treatment and my recovery was to be priority, I had no business pointing out what the other patient was doing, I could drive to see my husband the day after, and it was the little girl in me who was upset that this therapist wasn't acknowledging what a PERFECT patient I was. (ooh ooh perfectionism)
My initial perception of the situation was completely different from the above facts.
I am grateful my higher power brought the Oneness Blessing teachings into my world. The Oneness Deepening weekends have been profound for me. It is a weekend of processes, music, meditation to leap beyond the human mind and ego. These weekends have been instrumental in assisting me with setting my relationships right with my parents, healing other past and present relationships, healing past hurts and traumas, and deepening my connection with a higher power. I am also grateful to be a Oneness Blessing Giver and share the grace of divine energy with others through deeksha. Oneness is not a religion, set of beliefs, or a "cult":) It's essence is that it is the birthright of every human to live in total and unconditional freedom, in a state where a person perceives reality as it is, thereby experiencing the causeless joy, love, and happiness which is the natural condition of the human being.
I am excited to be part of the second Oneness Deepening Course being offered in Nashville this weekend starting tonight. It is going to be a powerful weekend!
If you are interested in attending there is still room and time. My first weekend I literally just showed up on the first day without pre-registering. I had read up on it a bit and did trust Roxana, the Oneness Meet up Facilitator. I knew within a half hour of being there that I was divinely guided to that weekend. I just had to to do was trust in my higher power's guidance.
Here is the information if you are interested: http://
"Everything that is outside of you is a result of what is going on within!"
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